If you are a first time borrower or are considering applying for a new credit card, then it is important to check your eligibility. By doing so, you will be able to avoid paying interest on purchases. Some cards offer no interest on certain transactions or 0% interest rates on the whole. This is a great way to build up your credit score.
Is a 500 credit score OK?
There are a number of free online eligibility tools that can help you get a better idea of whether you qualify. For instance, MoneyMatcher is a free service that allows you to find out what type of credit cards you may be eligible for. It requires only a few personal details and will provide you with a list of products you are likely to be accepted for.
One Check is another online tool that helps you determine the best credit card for your needs. It requires a few details such as your age, your employment status, and your income. The results will tell you the length of the introductory offers you are likely to qualify for and your estimated credit limit. Find out : thimbl.com
One Check is a fast and easy way to find out if you qualify for a particular credit card. It only takes five minutes to fill out, and it shows you if you are likely to be accepted for a credit card. But if you want more information, you can also check your Experian Credit Score to find out what lenders think of you.